
台北市, 中山區, Taiwan
位於台北市中山區雙城街19巷21號8F 開放時間: 週二-週日 11:00-19:00 聯絡電話: (02) 2597-5919 Email: gallery@steelmen.com.tw

2011年12月13日 星期二

12.16(Fri.)~18(Sun.) 八樓當代藝術空間 in Photo Taipei

八樓當代藝術空間將和六位攝影藝術家一起參予本年度的Photo Taipei活動!
今年Photo Taipei將在位於忠孝商圈中的神旺飯店舉行!


12/15-12/16 藝廊開放到下午五點半
12/17 週六下午因為公司內部另有活動安排 所以週六藝廊不開放唷~

本次和八樓當代藝術空間一起參予Photo Taipei活動的藝術家們已有多位作品已由國內美術館典藏!

屆時 歡迎關注這些藝術家們和愛好八樓當代藝術空間的各位朋友光臨喔!


鍾榮光 ChungJung-Kuang


Born in 1953, he is teaches in the university.  He is continually creation that is use a general idea of “traveler in light shade” making photographic .  The art works by using different light qualities, make realistic thing of embodiment to display abstract Intrinsic emotion, and it hint of "time" passes and "spatial" shifting.


馮君藍Feng Jun-Lan 


1961 Born in Hong Kong, He is a pastor.  He makes the ”Saint Anonymous”  that use a general idea of single fragment for the Oratorio”  by Biblical anthropology.  This series of portraitsalso reflect he interest in time and human history (especially the inspiration of the Bible history).  It show to a idea of the "Christian historical time view" :  The universe is not a closed loop body and random evolutionary 

鄧博仁  DengPo-Jen


Po-Jen Deng was born in Taiwan in 1969. He is a photojournalist and teaches in China University of Technology. In recent years, he has regarded himself as a Taipei city wanderer, taking photos for Taipei. What he has been trying to say through the photos is: We are living in a complicated city where “the real looks so unreal, while the unreal is treated as the most real.” He is interested in expressing his feelings toward the environment through these real and illusive images.







From the genes of the felines, to the light-sensitive emulsion on the film, photography still is the best way to capture the moment. It documents the elegance and dignity of these stray cats, befittingly.  

Since maneuvers of the stray cats are uncontrollable, and places where they will next appear in expectable, shooting, their incredible expressions and behavior, in the same place twice, is merely impossible.

There are tons of photo albums, calendars and post cards of “cute” cats, in the shops. But I tried to capture and document everything, about the stray cats, through implementing the method of photojournalism—thus; no feeding, no setting and no waiting patiently.

I do hope that the viewers will be captivated by the fantasy and enigma of these creatures, through my work.


近藤悟Satoru Kondo


1969 Born in Tokyo, engaged in photographic work in Tokyo Japan and London Britain. He is a photographer in Taiwan since 2008 up to now.

「瞬」- matataki




A flower is not a flower, its like a woman.

In short life, when a flower wants to be pretty, glamorous, and to be loved it is the most beautiful moment in her life.

李立中 LeeLichung


1980 Born in Taipei, He is a Freelance photographer.



對法國人來說,大海是女人也象徵著母親,法文裡的「大海」 一詞(La Mer)和母親(La Mère)是相同的讀音。

I was under the illusion that I had the ability to artfully connect my intentions of creation with my work accurately so as to interpret ocean-like emotions of humans. However, it is a natural behavior occurring under the condition of loneliness, just like hearing the waves beating on the peaceful ocean. Stopped knocking on the keyboard, I looked at these photos, whispering, “I love you but it is none of your concern.” This is the ocean; this is also me.

To the French, the ocean stands for women, and symbolizes mother. The word “ocean” in French (La Mer) sounds identically to the word “mother” (La Mère).

